南京经纬国际货运代理有限公司是由中华人民共和国商务部批准成立的一级国际货运代理企业,商务部国际货运代理企业备案号:3201000301,拥有无船承运人资质(证书编号:MOC-NV 10708),同时拥有自营进出口权,公司现注册资本500万元人民币,经营范围涵盖国际海运、 空运进出口货物的国际运输代理业务,包括拖车、仓储、中转、 订舱、结算运杂费、报关、报检、货运保险等国际物流服务。目前作为南京港、大丰港、芜湖港、扬州港、张家港、镇江港、常州港、南通港、太仓港、等长江口岸以及连云港海运一级订舱代理,依托长三角辐射上海,青岛,宁波,厦门,深圳,大连,广州等地海空运进出口代理业务,是COSCO、MSK、KMTC、EMC、CMA、SITC、YML、PIL、APL、HPL、MSC、ONE等各大船公司一级订舱代理。
电话:025-86806182 13813864680 (同微信)
QQ:2909117339 微信公众号:njwfreight
Our business mainly covers container transportation and other logistics services at full range.We provide ocean export and air export services which including space booking, distribution,warehousing, transshipment, containers’ consolidation, customs declaration, quarantine,insurance and H/H combined transportation. We also provide various of ship movement service,freight rate, maritime information as well as consultation service.We keep the advantages on the lines to the Middle East, India & Pakistan,Europe & America, Central & South America and Southeast Asia.We have a great number of clients from all over China including many factories andtrading company agents. We also have overseas agents from many countriesof the world. This strong network enables us to provide a safe transportation to your cargo.Our company has a large warehouse. The warehouse is close to the harbor area andis